Thursday, 23 January 2014

Women of the Bible Quilt

So, I have been working diligently on my women of the bible quilt.
I have been doing the bible study portion along with the group, but trying to work ahead on the quilt portion as I am also creating rotary cutting directions for the group for as many blocks as possible.
I will post the blocks later... as for now it won't let me.  again.

Thursday, 9 January 2014

Quick Update

Well, I will post pictures later... when my new camera arrives as my old/current one broke on Christmas Eve.  And well it will still take pictures, it randomizes the affects and quality... which can be very frustrating.
I am signed up to begin Sylvia's Bridal Sampler this month.  - It actually already started, but I am waiting on the fabric.
Also, Women of the Bible quilt starts next week (Sunday actually).  I have the fabric for that, and some of the blocks/weeks printed off already, so I am going to try to get a few blocks ahead on it to balance out life stresses and other quilting I may want to do. 
Other than that, I have been using my Z44.  Got the Frog work quilt all finished.  Bound and everything.  Will post pictures when the camera comes... also got a snowman quilt all done. (Machine quilted it though).  I am about 1/2 way done the hand part of the binding, so it won't take too long.
The top for the Downton Abbey quilt is ready to go on the Z44, just waiting for the batting.  Special ordered Tuscany Wool, so it should be stunning.  And the quilting pattern follows 1920's customs in quilting.  Have to sew the seam in the backing, and press it, but that won't take long at all.  Should have it done tonight after the little one is in bed actually. 
Started the top for a quilt called "spools" that I will post pictures of later.  And have one called "gum drops" on the pile to cut out next - it's alot of applique though, so need some Heat and Bond or Wonderunder before I get to far in it.
Phew.  That was my Christmas Holidays.  Add that we went a way for a bit, and of course the kidlet was home for 18 days, well 19 as the first day back was a snow day, and I have been busy busy.   :)
Well, will post pictures when I get the camera... 
Enjoy the new year everyone!!

Awesome Calculator.

I usually figure out my sizes, etc for myself, but I love this...and am putting it to use with my hexagon quilt!!!
Made me realize how much work I have ahead of me.... which is LOTS!