Okay, so well the young one is back in school, we are entering "birthday season" here, as well as normal holiday seasons... oh, and I am back to school in the "intensive program".... doing a Diploma in 16 months instead of 36... so I am quite busy. :) So, in addition to the goals listed, I also have some commissioned quilts (which will be kept separate, with "special" postings when the intended has received it... including if it is a gift). So they won't be posted on here until then.
Also, I am kind of making it open season to finish up projects/gifts, that may or may not be on here... again, I will make special posts when those are done, and shown on the intended date...
and I hope to just get some things DONE.... so while there are Goals, they aren't "rules" so posts may be a bit different until things settle in the new year!
Previous Uncompleted Goals:
1. Downton Abbey hand quilting
2. Trace and colour Month 5 Gingerbread
3. Stitch Gingerbread Month 5
4. Do Cutting directions for WOB Block # 53
5. Cut WOB Block 53
6. Sew WOB Block 53
7. Tutorials for WOB Block 53
8. Trace and colour month 6 Gingerbread
9. Tops Birthday Placemat
10. Baste Birthday Placemat
11. Quilt Birthday Placemat
12. Bind Birthday Placemat
13. Stitch Month 6 Hook Line and Sinker (block 2)
14. Trace and Colour Month 7 Gingerbread
15. Stitch Month 7 Gingerbread
16. Baste Aug. Placemats
17. Quilt Aug Placemats
18. Bind aug. Placemats
19. Top done for Bella Verona
20. Stitch Month 7 of Hook Line and SInker
21. Trace and Colour month 8 of Hook Line and SInker
22. Stitch Month 8 of Hook Line and Sinker
23. Trace and Colour Month 8 of Gingerbread
24. Stitch Month 8 of Gingerbread
25. Trace and Colour Month 9 of Gingerbread
26. Stich month 9 of Gingerbread
*Note: I did get placemat kit for July, but seeing as it is American themed and I am Canadian, we are going to make a Birthday placemat for when it is that special day in our house :)
Week Specific Goals:
Sept 29th - Oct 3rd: Read Gomer
By October 10 - Read Elizabeth
By October 17 - Read Mary, Mother of Jesus
Read Anna
By October 24 - Read the Woman of Samaria
By October 31 - Read the Woman who Lived a Sinful Life
By November 7 - Read the Woman with the Issue of Blood
Read Herodia
By November 14 - Read Joanna
Read The Syrophenician Woman
By November 21 - Read Martha
By November 28 - Read Mary of Bethanny
Read Salome, Mother of the Zebees
By December 5 - Read the Widow of the Two Coins
Read Mary Magdalene
By December 12 - Read Dorcas
Read Lydia
By December 19 - Read Pricilla
New Goals for October:
Trace Hook Line and Sinker 9
Colour Hook Line and Sinker 9
Stitch Hook Line and Sinker 9
Finish the top for Gingerbread.
Finish the top for Hook Line and Sinker
Cutting directions for Women of the Bible 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52
Cut Women of the Bible 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52
Sew Women of the Bible 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52
Tutorial for Women of the Bible 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52
September Placemats Tops
September Placemats Basted
September Placemats Quilted
Bind September Placemats
Quilt Guild September Block - pieced
Quilt Guild September Block - traced
Quilt Guild September Block - coloured
Quilt Guild September Block - stitched
Quilt Guild October Block - pieced
Quilt Guild October Block - traced
Quilt Guild October Block - coloured
Quilt Guild October Block - stitched
Cut Women of the Bible Extra blocks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Sew Women of the Bible Extra blocks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Cut background, sashing, triangles, and binding for Women of the Bible quilt
Finish putting together the Women of the Bible Quilt. (TOP)
October Placemats Tops
October Placemats Basted
October Placemats Quilted
October placemats bound
November Placemat tops
November placemat basted
November placemat quilted
November placemats bound
December placemat tops
December placemats basted
December placemats quilted
December placemats bound
Quilt Guild November Block - pieced
Quilt Guild November Block - traced
Quilt Guild November Block - coloured
Quilt Guild November Block - stitched
Quilt Guild December Block - pieced
Quilt Guild December Block - traced
Quilt Guild December Block - coloured
Quilt Guild December Block - stitched
Quilt Guild Jan Block - pieced
Quilt Guild Jan Block - traced
Quilt Guild Jan Block - coloured
Quilt Guild Jan Block - stitched
Wedding Stitchery Stitched
Wedding Stitchery Quilted
Wedding Stitchery Bound
Quilt Connors big boy bed quilt
Bind Connord big boy bed quilt
Baste Connors truck quilt
Quilt Connor's truck quilt.
Bind Connor's truck quilt
Buttons on Connor's Advent
Baste Surpise
Quilt Surprise
Bind surprise
Finish surprise
Jennie's quilt
Brenna's quilt
wedding dress quilt
Quilts working on:
Dear Jane (normal)
Dear Jane (red)
Hook Line Sinker
Gingerbread Squared
Cathedral Windows #2
Night Sky
Snowman Gatherings
2013 Stonehenge BOM
Bella Verona
Connor's Quilt