Wednesday, 31 December 2014

New Years Eve Wrap up...

Well, another year is almost done.

My sewing machine has gotten a bit of a work out the last couple days.

First off, I've been teaching my five year old to sew.  These are the placemats he made.  The hexagons are done by hand.  the others with help on my machine.  These are tops only, quilting will come later, when I have some batting scraps for these... as I try NOT to buy batting for placemats, but use up scraps.

These are the placemats I made quickly, July's Kit from Stitchin Heaven.... again, not yet quilted. (I have 5 or 6 sets of placemats that need quilting now. LOL).

Hope you all have a great New Year! And a successful 2015!!!

Previous Uncompleted Goals:
1. Downton Abbey hand quilting
2. Trace and colour Month 5 Gingerbread
3. Stitch Gingerbread Month 5
4. Do Cutting directions for WOB Block # 53
5. Cut WOB Block 53
6. Sew WOB Block 53
7. Tutorials for WOB Block 53
8. Trace and Colour Month 7 Gingerbread
9. Stitch Month 7 Gingerbread
10. Baste Aug. Placemats
11. Quilt Aug Placemats
12. Bind aug. Placemats
13. Top done for Bella Verona
14. Stitch Month 7 of Hook Line and SInker
15. Trace and Colour month 8 of Hook Line and Sinker
16. Stitch Month 8 of Hook Line and Sinker
17. Trace and Colour Month 8 of Gingerbread
18. Stitch Month 8 of Gingerbread
19. Stich month 9 of Gingerbread
20. Baste and Quilt July Placemats
21. Bind July Placemats
22. Stitch Hook Line and Sinker 9
23. Finish the top for Gingerbread.
24. Finish the top for Hook Line and Sinker
25. Cutting directions for Women of the Bible 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52
26. Cut Women of the Bible 42, 43,  44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52
27. Sew Women of the Bible 42, 43,  44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52
28. Tutorial for Women of the Bible 42, 43,  44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52
29. September Placemats Basted
30. September Placemats Quilted
31. Bind September Placemats
32. Quilt Guild October Block - stitched (Be Loving)
33. Cut Women of the Bible Extra blocks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
34. Sew Women of the Bible Extra blocks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
35. Cut background, sashing, triangles, and binding for Women of the Bible quilt
36. Finish putting together the Women of the Bible Quilt. (TOP)
37. October Placemats Basted
38. October Placemats Quilted
39. October placemats bound
40. November Placemat tops
41. November placemat basted
42. November placemat quilted
43. November placemats bound
44. December placemat tops
45. December placemats basted
46. December placemats quilted
47. December placemats bound
48. Quilt Guild November Block - pieced
49. Quilt Guild November Block - traced
50. Quilt Guild November Block - coloured
51. Quilt Guild November Block - stitched
52. Quilt Guild December Block - pieced
53. Quilt Guild December Block - traced
54. Quilt Guild December Block - coloured
55. Quilt Guild December Block - stitched
56. Quilt Guild Jan Block - pieced
57. Quilt Guild Jan Block - traced
58. Quilt Guild Jan Block - coloured
59. Quilt Guild Jan Block - stitched
60. Wedding Stitchery Stitched
61. Wedding Stitchery Basted
62. Wedding Stitchery Quilted
63. Wedding Stitchery Bound

64. wedding dress quilt
65. Jennies (Hannah's) Baby clothes quilt

 Quilts working on:
Dear Jane (normal)
Dear Jane (red)
Hook Line Sinker
Gingerbread Squared
Cathedral Windows #2
Night Sky
Snowman Gatherings
2013 Stonehenge BOM
Bella Verona

Saturday, 20 December 2014

Another finish!!

Another set of placemats.

This puts me at 21 finished quilt projects for the year.... which I'm pretty happy with.  Working on other placemats, and two commissioned quilts, but I doubt they will be finished in 2014.

And with 73 books read cover to cover, and having a 91% average in my first semester back at school, it's been a pretty productive year!

Friday, 19 December 2014

Almost the end of another year!

Well, 2014 had a lot of ups and downs, and I am sure 2015 will too. 

I try to focus on the good, and deal with the bad.

I have been sewing like crazy on the Hook, Line and Sinker quilt (have actually skipped to the last month, will have to go back to finish 2 other months I believe).  and it's making some progress (no pictures yet).

I have also finished reading the "Women of the Bible" book, though I have not yet finished the quilt top.  Keep checking back.

Here is the list of things I am still trying to get done!!

Previous Uncompleted Goals:1. Downton Abbey hand quilting
2. Trace and colour Month 5 Gingerbread
3. Stitch Gingerbread Month 5
4. Do Cutting directions for WOB Block # 53
5. Cut WOB Block 53
6. Sew WOB Block 53
7. Tutorials for WOB Block 53
8. Tops Birthday Placemat
9. Baste Birthday Placemat
10. Quilt Birthday Placemat
11. Bind Birthday Placemat
12. Trace and Colour Month 7 Gingerbread
13. Stitch Month 7 Gingerbread
14. Baste Aug. Placemats
15. Quilt Aug Placemats
16. Bind aug. Placemats
17. Top done for Bella Verona
18. Stitch Month 7 of Hook Line and SInker
19. Trace and Colour month 8 of Hook Line and SInker
20. Stitch Month 8 of Hook Line and Sinker
21. Trace and Colour Month 8 of Gingerbread
22. Stitch Month 8 of Gingerbread
23. Stich month 9 of Gingerbread

*Note: I did get placemat kit for July, but seeing as it is American themed and I am Canadian, we are going to make a Birthday placemat for when it is that special day in our house :)

New Goals for October:
Stitch Hook Line and Sinker 9
Finish the top for Gingerbread.
Finish the top for Hook Line and Sinker
Cutting directions for Women of the Bible 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52
Cut Women of the Bible 42, 43,  44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52
Sew Women of the Bible 42, 43,  44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52
Tutorial for Women of the Bible 42, 43,  44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52
September Placemats Basted
September Placemats Quilted
Bind September Placemats
Quilt Guild October Block - stitched (Be Loving)
Cut Women of the Bible Extra blocks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Sew Women of the Bible Extra blocks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Cut background, sashing, triangles, and binding for Women of the Bible quilt
Finish putting together the Women of the Bible Quilt. (TOP)
 October Placemats Basted
October Placemats Quilted
October placemats bound
November Placemat tops
November placemat basted
November placemat quilted
November placemats bound
December placemat tops
December placemats basted
December placemats quilted
December placemats bound
Quilt Guild November Block - pieced
Quilt Guild November Block - traced
Quilt Guild November Block - coloured
Quilt Guild November Block - stitched
Quilt Guild December Block - pieced
Quilt Guild December Block - traced
Quilt Guild December Block - coloured
Quilt Guild December Block - stitched
Quilt Guild Jan Block - pieced
Quilt Guild Jan Block - traced
Quilt Guild Jan Block - coloured
Quilt Guild Jan Block - stitched
Wedding Stitchery Stitched
Wedding Stitchery Quilted
Wedding Stitchery Bound

wedding dress quilt
Jennies (Hannah's) Baby clothes quilt

 Quilts working on:
Dear Jane (normal)
Dear Jane (red)
Hook Line Sinker
Gingerbread Squared
Cathedral Windows #2
Night Sky
Snowman Gatherings
2013 Stonehenge BOM
Bella Verona

Thursday, 18 December 2014

Anoter for Connors Christmas

This one was super easy.

Panel.  minky back.  (NO batting).  Quilt, and bind.  DONE.

Thursday, 11 December 2014

Finished the placemats!!!

Not a big post, but here are some pictures.  I'll wash them tonight, and we'll be able to use them tomorrow/this weekend.


The backing!

Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Okay, I have been sewing

Just haven't been taking many pictures apparently. LOL.

This past weekend I managed to buy kits for THREE more sets of placemats (yup 12 placemats total).  I got all the tops done... got two of the sets partially basted (as you can see in the picture... I do have backing fabric for both the basted sets, just didn't get that far).
But I don't have any pictures of the third set.  Yet.

Snowman and wine placemats.  :)  These the tops are basted (and cut out now), but not basted with the backs yet.  I'll get there.  Maybe this evening.
These are the finished TOPS for October's placemats... from the years kits I've been getting everymonth.
Working on Septembers now...  and yes, only the tops (I ran out of batting, so have to find batting for the 3rd set of placemats I bought this past weekend,... as well as the rest of these yearly kits... but I'm getting there!!  At least I'm getting some of the kits off my dining room table with this progress!!!  And my son should be able to use them for the right holidays/seasons next year - even if I am behind this year!
And of course, and update:
Previous Uncompleted Goals:
1. Downton Abbey hand quilting
2. Trace and colour Month 5 Gingerbread
3. Stitch Gingerbread Month 5
4. Do Cutting directions for WOB Block # 53
5. Cut WOB Block 53
6. Sew WOB Block 53
7. Tutorials for WOB Block 53
8. Tops Birthday Placemat
9. Baste Birthday Placemat
10. Quilt Birthday Placemat
11. Bind Birthday Placemat
12. Trace and Colour Month 7 Gingerbread
13. Stitch Month 7 Gingerbread
14. Baste Aug. Placemats
15. Quilt Aug Placemats
16. Bind aug. Placemats
17. Top done for Bella Verona
18. Stitch Month 7 of Hook Line and SInker
19. Trace and Colour month 8 of Hook Line and SInker
20. Stitch Month 8 of Hook Line and Sinker
21. Trace and Colour Month 8 of Gingerbread
22. Stitch Month 8 of Gingerbread
23. Stich month 9 of Gingerbread

*Note: I did get placemat kit for July, but seeing as it is American themed and I am Canadian, we are going to make a Birthday placemat for when it is that special day in our house :)

Week Specific Goals:
 By November 14 - Read Joanna
                               Read The Syrophenician Woman
By November 21 -  Read Martha
By November 28 -  Read Mary of Bethanny
                                Read Salome, Mother of the Zebees
By December 5 -  Read the Widow of the Two Coins
                             Read Mary Magdalene
By December 12 -  Read Dorcas
                               Read Lydia
By December 19 -  Read Pricilla

New Goals for October:
Stitch Hook Line and Sinker 9
Finish the top for Gingerbread.
Finish the top for Hook Line and Sinker
Cutting directions for Women of the Bible 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52
Cut Women of the Bible 42, 43,  44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52
Sew Women of the Bible 42, 43,  44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52
Tutorial for Women of the Bible 42, 43,  44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52
September Placemats Tops
September Placemats Basted
September Placemats Quilted
Bind September Placemats
Quilt Guild October Block - stitched (Be Loving)
Cut Women of the Bible Extra blocks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Sew Women of the Bible Extra blocks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Cut background, sashing, triangles, and binding for Women of the Bible quilt
Finish putting together the Women of the Bible Quilt. (TOP)
October Placemats Tops - DONE!!!
October Placemats Basted
October Placemats Quilted
October placemats bound
November Placemat tops
November placemat basted
November placemat quilted
November placemats bound
December placemat tops
December placemats basted
December placemats quilted
December placemats bound
Quilt Guild November Block - pieced
Quilt Guild November Block - traced
Quilt Guild November Block - coloured
Quilt Guild November Block - stitched
Quilt Guild December Block - pieced
Quilt Guild December Block - traced
Quilt Guild December Block - coloured
Quilt Guild December Block - stitched
Quilt Guild Jan Block - pieced
Quilt Guild Jan Block - traced
Quilt Guild Jan Block - coloured
Quilt Guild Jan Block - stitched
Wedding Stitchery Stitched
Wedding Stitchery Quilted
Wedding Stitchery Bound
Baste Connors truck quilt
Quilt Connor's truck quilt.
Bind Connor's truck quilt
wedding dress quilt
Jennies (Hannah's) Baby clothes quilt

 Quilts working on:
Dear Jane (normal)
Dear Jane (red)
Hook Line Sinker
Gingerbread Squared
Cathedral Windows #2
Night Sky
Snowman Gatherings
2013 Stonehenge BOM
Bella Verona

Wednesday, 3 December 2014

For Connor's Christmas...

I admit, I've been working on this one for a while... (this quilt cost me the tip of one of my fingers!!!)

but, it's finally quilted, bound and done. 

Gonna go under the tree for Christmas though... as the child has likely forgotten about it.  I do have another one that will be a surprise.. but so happy this one is done :)
And of course updating the list....
Previous Uncompleted Goals:
1. Downton Abbey hand quilting
2. Trace and colour Month 5 Gingerbread
3. Stitch Gingerbread Month 5
4. Do Cutting directions for WOB Block # 53
5. Cut WOB Block 53
6. Sew WOB Block 53
7. Tutorials for WOB Block 53
8. Tops Birthday Placemat
9. Baste Birthday Placemat
10. Quilt Birthday Placemat
11. Bind Birthday Placemat
12. Trace and Colour Month 7 Gingerbread
13. Stitch Month 7 Gingerbread
14. Baste Aug. Placemats
15. Quilt Aug Placemats
16. Bind aug. Placemats
17. Top done for Bella Verona
18. Stitch Month 7 of Hook Line and SInker
19. Trace and Colour month 8 of Hook Line and SInker
20. Stitch Month 8 of Hook Line and Sinker
21. Trace and Colour Month 8 of Gingerbread
22. Stitch Month 8 of Gingerbread
23. Stich month 9 of Gingerbread

*Note: I did get placemat kit for July, but seeing as it is American themed and I am Canadian, we are going to make a Birthday placemat for when it is that special day in our house :)

Week Specific Goals:
 By November 14 - Read Joanna
                               Read The Syrophenician Woman
By November 21 -  Read Martha
By November 28 -  Read Mary of Bethanny
                                Read Salome, Mother of the Zebees
By December 5 -  Read the Widow of the Two Coins
                             Read Mary Magdalene
By December 12 -  Read Dorcas
                               Read Lydia
By December 19 -  Read Pricilla

New Goals for October:
Stitch Hook Line and Sinker 9
Finish the top for Gingerbread.
Finish the top for Hook Line and Sinker
Cutting directions for Women of the Bible 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52
Cut Women of the Bible 42, 43,  44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52
Sew Women of the Bible 42, 43,  44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52
Tutorial for Women of the Bible 42, 43,  44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52
September Placemats Tops
September Placemats Basted
September Placemats Quilted
Bind September Placemats
Quilt Guild October Block - stitched (Be Loving)
Cut Women of the Bible Extra blocks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Sew Women of the Bible Extra blocks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Cut background, sashing, triangles, and binding for Women of the Bible quilt
Finish putting together the Women of the Bible Quilt. (TOP)
October Placemats Tops
October Placemats Basted
October Placemats Quilted
October placemats bound
November Placemat tops
November placemat basted
November placemat quilted
November placemats bound
December placemat tops
December placemats basted
December placemats quilted
December placemats bound
Quilt Guild November Block - pieced
Quilt Guild November Block - traced
Quilt Guild November Block - coloured
Quilt Guild November Block - stitched
Quilt Guild December Block - pieced
Quilt Guild December Block - traced
Quilt Guild December Block - coloured
Quilt Guild December Block - stitched
Quilt Guild Jan Block - pieced
Quilt Guild Jan Block - traced
Quilt Guild Jan Block - coloured
Quilt Guild Jan Block - stitched
Wedding Stitchery Stitched
Wedding Stitchery Quilted
Wedding Stitchery Bound
Bind Connord big boy bed quilt - DONE!!
Baste Connors truck quilt
Quilt Connor's truck quilt.
Bind Connor's truck quilt
wedding dress quilt
Jennies (Hannah's) Baby clothes quilt

 Quilts working on:
Dear Jane (normal)
Dear Jane (red)
Hook Line Sinker
Gingerbread Squared
Cathedral Windows #2
Night Sky
Snowman Gatherings
2013 Stonehenge BOM
Bella Verona

Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Advent Calendars...

So this year, I decided to make Advent Calendars for both my son and husband.  I actually finished them back in October, but delayed the post till now on the off chance one of them - or a family member saw (hubby knows of the kids, but not his own) and my surprise got ruined...

I think I posted picks of the one, but here they BOTH are...

Close up of the sparkly present button I stitched on to "hang" something from.... I screwed up three of the pockets, so there are three of these on this Advent calendar...

The whole finished one. (For the kid).
Advent Calendar I made for the husband. :)  Will fill it with love :)