Sunday, 29 June 2014

Update - June 23 - June 27th

For the rest of June, I will be working on the month as a whole.... well Until July 4th. 

Previously Uncompleted Goals:
1. Downton Abbey hand quilting
2. Month 4 Hook line and sinker stitching
3. Trace and colour Month 5 Gingerbread
4. Stitch Gingerbread Month 5
5. Finish 1st seam on Connors quilt - DONE!
6. Pin next seam on Connor's quilt - DONE!
7. Do Cutting directions for WOB Block # 53
8. Cut WOB block #25
9. Sew WOB block #25
10. Tutorial for WOB Block #25
11. Cut WOB Blocks 28 and 53
12. Sew WOB Blocks 28 and 53
13. Tutorials for WOB Blocks 28 and 53

Week Specific Goals:

June 23 - 27th - Read Woman of Endor - DONE
June 30th to July 4th - Read Bathsheba

Add for the MONTH of June:
1. Tops for June Placemats - done!

2. Trace and colour Month 5 Hook Line and Sinker
3. Stitch month 5 Hook line and sinker
4. Trace and colour month 6 Gingerbread
5. Sew Second seam on Connor's quilt - DONE!
6.  Trim Connor's quilt blocks...

Saturday, 21 June 2014

Update - June 16th - 20th

Previously Uncompleted Goals:
1. Downton Abbey hand quilting
2. Month 4 Hook line and sinker stitching
3. Trace and colour Month 5 Gingerbread
4. Sew WOB block #21- Done
Week 21 - Woman of Endor

5. Stitch Gingerbread Month 5
6. Finish 1st seam on Connors quilt
7. Pin next seam on Connor's quilt
8. Do Cutting directions for WOB Block # 53
9. Cut WOB block #25
10. Sew WOB block #25
11. Tutorial for WOB Block #25
12. Tops for May Blackmats
13. Cut WOB Blocks 28 and 53
14. Sew WOB Blocks 28 and 53
15. Tutorials for WOB Blocks 28 and 53

Week Specific Goals:

June 16 - 20th - Read Abigail - DONE!
June 23 - 27th - Read Woman of Endor
June 30th to July 4th - Read Bathsheba

Add for the MONTH of June:
1. Baste May Placemats - DONE
2. Quilt May Placemats - DONE
3. Bind May placemats - DONE
Only made two for May... one in a house of boys, they weren't popular.  And also because the number of placemats is really piling up...

4. Tops for June Placemats
5. Trace and colour Month 5 Hook Line and Sinker
6. Stitch month 5 Hook line and sinker
7. Trace and colour month 6 Gingerbread
8.  Trim Connor's quilt blocks...

Monday, 16 June 2014


For the rest of June, I will be working on the month as a whole.... well Until July 4th. 

There are lots of days where the kids are home/family events/meetings/etc. 

As a result I am trying to catch up on previously uncompleted, with very little added... If I get it done though, I will add more!

I will still be updating weekly (in part to keep the picture attachments to a minimum size per post).

Previously Uncompleted Goals:
1. Downton Abbey hand quilting
2. Month 4 Hook line and sinker stitching
3. Trace and colour Month 5 Gingerbread
4. Sew WOB B lock #21
5. Stitch Gingerbread Month 5
6. Finish 1st seam on Connors quilt
7. Pin next seam on Connor's quilt
8. Do Cutting directions for WOB Block # 53
9. Cut WOB block #25
10. Sew WOB block #25
11. Tutorial for WOB Block #25
12. Tops for May Blackmats
13. Cut WOB Blocks 28 and 53
14. Sew WOB Blocks 28 and 53
15. Tutorials for WOB Blocks 28 and 53

Week Specific Goals:

June 16 - 20th - Read Abigail
June 23 - 27th - Read Woman of Endor
June 30th to July 4th - Read Bathsheba

Add for the MONTH of June:
1. Baste May Placemats
2. Quilt May Placemats
3. Bind May placemats
4. Tops for June Placemats
5. Trace and colour Month 5 Hook Line and Sinker
6. Stitch month 5 Hook line and sinker
7. Trace and colour month 6 Gingerbread
8.  Trim Connor's quilt blocks...

Sunday, 15 June 2014

Update - goals June 9th - 13th

Okay, so I am going to post the goals for ALL THREE weeks, at once, and mark what I get done....  The ones I SHOULD be working on will be highlighted in red - unless they are done, then I will make them green!!   A little off the standard format, but this way if I get on a roll with a project, and I change slightly..... just to make the next few busy weeks a little easier and manageable...

1. Complete 1 row Downton
2. Trace and colour Gingerbread 5
3. Finish month 4 Hook line and sinker
4. Cut 1 more WOB blocks (week 21) - DONE
5. Sew 1 more WOB Blocks (week 21)
6. stitch gingerbread 5
7. Cut 2 WOB blocks (no tutorial ones, Week 23 - DONE and 26) - DONE!
8. Finish first seam on Connor quilt blocs
9. Pin Next seam on COnnor quilt blocks
10. Sew 2 WOB blocks (no tutorial ones) (week 23 and 26) - DONE!
Week 23 - Tamar

Week 26 - Queen of Sheba
11. Cut 1 WOB Blocks (week 25)
12. Stitch 1 WOB Blocks (week 25)
13. Tutorials for 2 WOB Blocks (week 24 and 25 - no tutorial for Week 24).
14. Stitch 2 more WOB Blocks
15. 2 more WOB tutorials
16. Tops for May Placemats
New for June 9-13
1. Read Michal - Done
2. Baste May Placemats

Sunday, 8 June 2014

UPDATE - goals june 2 - 6th

Okay, so I am going to post the goals for ALL THREE weeks, at once, and mark what I get done....  The ones I SHOULD be working on will be highlighted in red - unless they are done, then I will make them green!!   A little off the standard format, but this way if I get on a roll with a project, and I change slightly..... just to make the next few busy weeks a little easier and manageable...

1. Cut 2 WOB Blocks - DONE! - (week 20, Abigail, and Week 27 - Jezebel)
2. Complete 1 row Downton
3. Sew 2 WOB Blocks - (week 20 - Abigail  and 27)
Week 20 - Abigail
Week 27 - Jezebel
4. Tutorials for 2 WOB Blocks (week 20 -DONE and 27 - Done!)
5. Trace and colour Gingerbread 5
6. Finish month 4 Hook line and sinker
7. Cut 2 more WOB blocks (week 21Women of Endor and 29 the Shumammite Woman)
8. Sew 2 more WOB Blocks (week 21 and 29 - the Shunammite Woman)
Week 29 - the Shunammite Woman

9. Tutorials for 2 more WOB Blocks (week 21- Women of Endor has no tutorial, as it ended up being paper pieced and 29) - DONE
10. stitch gingerbread 5
11. Cut 2 WOB blocks (no tutorial ones) (week 23 - Tamar and 26 - the Queen of Sheba)
12. Finish first seam on Connor quilt blocks
13. Pin Next seam on COnnor quilt blocks
14. Sew 2 WOB blocks (no tutorial ones) (week 23 and 26)
New for June 2 - 6
1. Bind April Placemats - Done Last week
2. Read Hannah - DONE
3. Cut 2 WOB Blocks (week 24 - wise Women of Abel and 25)
4. Stitch 2 WOB Blocks (week 24 - wise Women of Abel and 25)
Week 24 - Wise Woman of Abel

5. Tutorials for 2 WOB Blocks (week 24- Wise Women of Abel - didn't do a tutorial as Carols directions in the study lesson were the same as I would of done. and 25
6. Stitch 2 more WOB Blocks
7. 2 more WOB tutorials
8. Tops for May Placemats

9.  Wasn't originally on the list, but I finished this quilt.  Quilted, bound and labeled this week!! In time for the quilt show!

New for June 9-13
1. Read Michal
2. Baste May Placemats

Sunday, 1 June 2014

Update - Goals May 26 - 30

Okay, so I am going to post the goals for ALL THREE weeks, at once, and mark what I get done....  The ones I SHOULD be working on will be highlighted in red - unless they are done, then I will make them green!!   A little off the standard format, but this way if I get on a roll with a project, and I change slightly..... just to make the next few busy weeks a little easier and manageable...

1. Cut 2 WOB Blocks
2. Complete 1 row Downton
3. Sew 2 WOB Blocks
4. Tutorials for 2 WOB Blocks
5. Trace and colour Gingerbread 5
6. Finish month 4 Hook line and sinker
7. Cut 2 more WOB blocks
8. Sew 2 more WOB Blocks
9. Tutorials for 2 more WOB Blocks
10. Baste April Placemats - DONE
11. Binding on last sibling quilt.

New for March 26 - 30
1. Quilt April Placemats - DONE!
2. stitch gingerbread 5
3. Read Ruth from WOB - DONE!
4. Cut 2 WOB blocks
5. Finish first seam on Connor quilt blocs
6. Pin Next seam on COnnor quilt blocks
7. Sew 2 WOB blocks (no tutorial ones)

New for June 2 - 6
1. Bind April Placemats - DONE!
2. Read Hannah
3. Cut 2 WOB Blocks
4. Stitch 2 WOB Blocks
5. Tutorials for 2 WOB Blocks
6. Stitch 2 more WOB Blocks
7. 2 more WOB tutorials
8. Tops for May Placemats

New for June 9-13
1. Read Michal
2. Baste May Placemats