Saturday, 26 July 2014

Week July 21 - 25th UPDATE

July Goals:

Previous Uncompleted Goals:
1. Downton Abbey hand quilting
2. Month 4 Hook line and sinker stitching
3. Trace and colour Month 5 Gingerbread
4. Stitch Gingerbread Month 5
5. Do Cutting directions for WOB Block # 53
6. Cut WOB Block 53
7. Sew WOB Block 53
8. Tutorials for WOB Block 53
9. Trace and colour Month 5 Hook Line and Sinker
10. Stitch month 5 Hook line and sinker
11. Trace and colour month 6 Gingerbread

Week Specific:
July 21st - 25th: Read Ritzpah - DONE

New Goals for July:
1. Cut WOB Week 30, 31, 32
2. Sew WOB Week 30, 31, 32
3. Tutorials WOB Week 30.
4. Tops July Placemats
5. Baste July Placemats
6. Quilt July Placemats
7. Bind July Placemats
8. Stonehenge 2013 BOM top completed. - DONE! - now to quilt it sometime in the future!

9. Trace and Colour Month 6 Hook Line and Sinker
10. Stitch Month 6 Hook Line and Sinker
11. Trace and Colour Month 7 Gingerbread
12. Stitch Month 7 Gingerbread

*Note: I don't think I am getting placemats for July, so those may not need to be done at all...*

Quilts working on:
Dear Jane
Hook Line Sinker
Gingerbread Squared
Cathedral Windows #2
Night Sky
Snowman Gatherings
2013 Stonehenge BOM
Bella Verona
Connor's Quilt

Thursday, 24 July 2014

Motivation.... GONE!

Well, it would appear my motivation for my Women of the Bible quilt has left this week.... and I still have SO much to do on it. :(  I have been playing around online with it abit - organizing, etc.  I now know exactly what patterns I have to print for paper-piecing, applique, etc.... ugh.

Last night I pulled out the UNFINISHED 2013 Stonehendge BOM.  (Got it in early 2013 all at once as a kit... can probably tell you exactly if I bothered to look).
Anyways, realized that I have the fabric still (the borders uncut!), and the 12 blocks and the 8000 little pieces that go everwhere.... but I've lost the directions - including how BIG to cut said borders.  Well.  That just makes life more fun.  Oh ya, and the little triangle pieces I have to include in the first border.... hmm.  Joys.
At least I got the rows done... and can sew the centre together before the challenging part begins.... little steps!
Hopefully by the time I wrangle this together the ink comes so I can get some major progress on this WOB quilt.  Please please please. 

And I have and immense urge to work on my Dear Jane... but feel I should finish quilting Downton first.... oh the list never ends ;)

But if you do look back on my goal updates, I am making SOME progress.
Summer HAS slowed me down, and well, September will as well, what with starting back at college, etc.  Like I said, it NEVER ends....

Sunday, 20 July 2014

Week July 14 - 18th UPDATE

July Goals:

Previous Uncompleted Goals:
1. Downton Abbey hand quilting
2. Month 4 Hook line and sinker stitching
3. Trace and colour Month 5 Gingerbread
4. Stitch Gingerbread Month 5
5. Do Cutting directions for WOB Block # 53
6. Sew WOB block #25 - DONE
Week 25 - Rizpah

7. Tutorial for WOB Block #25 - DONE
8. Cut WOB Blocks 28 and 53 (28 is DONE)
9. Sew WOB Blocks 28 and 53 (28 is DONE)
Week 28 - Widow of Zarephath

10. Tutorials for WOB Blocks 28 and 53 (28 is DONE)
11. Trace and colour Month 5 Hook Line and Sinker
12. Stitch month 5 Hook line and sinker
13. Trace and colour month 6 Gingerbread

Week Specific:
July 14 - 18th: Read Wise Women of Abel - DONE

New Goals for July:
1. Directions for WOB Week 34 and 35 - DONE!
2. Cut WOB Week 30, 31, 32
3. Sew WOB Week 30, 31, 32
4. Tutorial WOB Week 30.
5. Baste June Placemats - DONE!
6. Quilt June Placemats - DONE!
7. Bind June Placemats - DONE!

8. Tops July Placemats
9. Baste July Placemats
10. Quilt July Placemats
11. Bind July Placemats
12. Stonehenge 2013 BOM top completed.
13. Trace and Colour Month 6 Hook Line and Sinker
14. Stitch Month 6 Hook Line and Sinker
15. Trace and Colour Month 7 Gingerbread
16. Stitch Month 7 Gingerbread

*Note: I don't think I am getting placemats for July, so those may not need to be done at all...*

Quilts working on:
Dear Jane
Hook Line Sinker
Gingerbread Squared
Cathedral Windows #2
Night Sky
Snowman Gatherings
2013 Stonehenge BOM
Bella Verona
Connor's Quilt

Saturday, 12 July 2014

Week of July 7th to 11th UPDATE

July Goals:

Previous Uncompleted Goals:
1. Downton Abbey hand quilting
2. Month 4 Hook line and sinker stitching
3. Trace and colour Month 5 Gingerbread
4. Stitch Gingerbread Month 5
5. Do Cutting directions for WOB Block # 53
6. Cut WOB block #25 - DONE
7. Sew WOB block #25
8. Tutorial for WOB Block #25
9. Cut WOB Blocks 28 and 53
10. Sew WOB Blocks 28 and 53
11. Tutorials for WOB Blocks 28 and 53
12. Trace and colour Month 5 Hook Line and Sinker
13. Stitch month 5 Hook line and sinker
14. Trace and colour month 6 Gingerbread

Week Specific:
July 7 - 11th: Read Tamar - DONE

New Goals for July:
1. Directions for WOB Week 34 and 35
2. Cut WOB Week 30, 31, 32
3. Sew WOB Week 30, 31, 32
4. Tutorials WOB Week 30, 31, 32.
5. Baste June Placemats
6. Quilt June Placemats
7. Bind June Placemats
8. Tops July Placemats
9. Baste July Placemats
10. Quilt July Placemats
11. Bind July Placemats
12. Stonehenge 2013 BOM top completed.
13. Top done on Connor's quilt - DONE!
14. Trace and Colour Month 6 Hook Line and Sinker
15. Stitch Month 6 Hook Line and Sinker
16. Trace and Colour Month 7 Gingerbread
17. Stitch Month 7 Gingerbread

*Note: I don't think I am getting placemats for July, so those may not need to be done at all...*

Quilts working on:
Dear Jane
Hook Line Sinker
Gingerbread Squared
Cathedral Windows #2
Night Sky
Snowman Gatherings
2013 Stonehenge BOM
Bella Verona
Connor's Quilt

Sunday, 6 July 2014


July Goals:

Previous Uncompleted Goals:
1. Downton Abbey hand quilting
2. Month 4 Hook line and sinker stitching
3. Trace and colour Month 5 Gingerbread
4. Stitch Gingerbread Month 5
5. Do Cutting directions for WOB Block # 53
6. Cut WOB block #25
7. Sew WOB block #25
8. Tutorial for WOB Block #25
9. Cut WOB Blocks 28 and 53
10. Sew WOB Blocks 28 and 53
11. Tutorials for WOB Blocks 28 and 53
12. Trace and colour Month 5 Hook Line and Sinker
13. Stitch month 5 Hook line and sinker
14. Trace and colour month 6 Gingerbread

Week Specific:
July 7 - 11th: Read Tamar
July 14 - 18th: Read Wise Women of Abel
July 21st - 25th: Read Ritzpah
July 28 -  Aug 1st: Read Queen of Shebe

New Goals for July:
1. Directions for WOB Week 34 and 35
2. Cut WOB Week 30, 31, 32
3. Sew WOB Week 30, 31, 32
4. Tutorials WOB Week 30, 31, 32.
5. Baste June Placemats
6. Quilt June Placemats
7. Bind June Placemats
8. Tops July Placemats
9. Baste July Placemats
10. Quilt July Placemats
11. Bind July Placemats
12. Stonehenge 2013 BOM top completed.
13. Top done on Connor's quilt
14. Trace and Colour Month 6 Hook Line and Sinker
15. Stitch Month 6 Hook Line and Sinker
16. Trace and Colour Month 7 Gingerbread
17. Stitch Month 7 Gingerbread

*Note: I don't think I am getting placemats for July, so those may not need to be done at all...*

Quilts working on:
Dear Jane
Hook Line Sinker
Gingerbread Squared
Cathedral Windows #2
Night Sky
Snowman Gatherings
2013 Stonehenge BOM
Bella Verona
Connor's Quilt

Saturday, 5 July 2014

Update - June 30th - July 4th

For the rest of June, I will be working on the month as a whole.... well Until July 4th. 

There are lots of days where the kids are home/family events/meetings/etc. 

I will still be updating weekly (in part to keep the picture attachments to a minimum size per post).

Previously Uncompleted Goals:
1. Downton Abbey hand quilting
2. Month 4 Hook line and sinker stitching
3. Trace and colour Month 5 Gingerbread
4. Stitch Gingerbread Month 5
5. Do Cutting directions for WOB Block # 53
6. Cut WOB block #25
7. Sew WOB block #25
8. Tutorial for WOB Block #25
9. Cut WOB Blocks 28 and 53
10. Sew WOB Blocks 28 and 53
11. Tutorials for WOB Blocks 28 and 53

Week Specific Goals:
June 30th to July 4th - Read Bathsheba - Done

Add for the MONTH of June:
1. Trace and colour Month 5 Hook Line and Sinker
2. Stitch month 5 Hook line and sinker
3. Trace and colour month 6 Gingerbread
4.  Trim Connor's quilt blocks... - DONE!!!!

Tuesday, 1 July 2014


So, quilting, sewing, all of it has been really slow the past week - and probably will be for a few weeks yet.  And typing is a long process, with many errors currently... so please be patient.

A week ago, while working on Connor's most recent quilt (with a zillion curved seams) I cut off the tip of my middle finger while using the rotary cutter to trim some blocks.  (Yes, learned to pay much closer attention).  Cut a blood vessel, and exposed a nerve.  So pain.  Pain. Pain.
It is bandaged pretty heavily.  It is also still very sore - and will be for a while.  Because it's the tip they can't stitch, just cauterize - and because it's an exposed nerve, nothing can touch the amount of pain THAT caused.  I passed out during that experience. 

Anyways, I am back to sewing (and gingerly using the rotary cutter), but I still hurt, and can only do little bits at a time.  So, I may fall even more behind.  I can't embroider at this time.  I'm not even going to try.  Or do binding past the machine level. 

So, there may be progress, but slowly.  Very slowly. 

Keep checking back for updates, I will still post at least weekly,  but may not be much of an update ;)

On that note, the frog work embroidered quilt is for sale.  As are the sibling quilts.  And the snowman applique (all are posted in the 2014 finished section).   Make an offer, and we can go from there if you are interested!
