Monday, 26 January 2015

First finished quilt of the YEAR!

26 days in, and finally a finish!! Yay.

Been an interesting start to the year.  My 5 year old got quite sick, and in the 1st 24 hours of him being ill, he vomited 14 times.  I have done more laundry this month than ever.  I am a bit OCD, and try not to buy paper-towel (except for crayoning, with embroidery), so clean up involved endless towels.  Towels that got washed, and used again multiple times that day.  Never ending laundry. 

Between that, and the ability to start and work on a variety of projects at once, I am glad to finally have one done! 

This is a wedding dress quilt, that I was contracted to make.

The whole quilt, in colour ;)

The dress was a halter top.  This is the strap and the two buttons from the strap.  The buttons are functional.  Also in the picture is some of the layers of the top of the quilt, as well as a bit of the bodice (the beaded bit in the bottom)

A bit of the bodice.  This is tacked down by hand.

Some of the buttons from the back of the bodice.  These I hand attached, and none functional, as they were none functional on the actual dress as well.

More of the bodice.

The top shows some of the strap from the halter.  The bottom is some of the layers of the dress.  There are a number of these blocks in the quilt, some of them are completely tacked down, and some are left flowing, to keep with the original dress.

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