Friday, 27 December 2013

The new Z44

So, for Christmas, I got a Grace Z44 frame :) (and 128 WHITE Crayola Crayons!!!!... oh, and a new camera, but it's a little late arriving....).

Anyways, here is the empty frame:


Simply love it!!!
Here is my first quilt on it, already in the process of being handquilted.

Here is the first quilt to be done on this frame.  Already started, and more than 1/2 done.  The pink/black lines are what is to be quilted (or just quilted), the lines I am removing as I'm completing it though. 
Loving this frame.  Simply loving it.  :)

Tuesday, 3 December 2013

check out this cool way to finish Hexagon Quilts....

I may just try this, as it won`t cut off the edge hexies with binding....  hmm....

Downton Abbey Quilt

Okay, so I have been rapidly working on this quilt as of late.  After selling 3 quilts in November, I thought that it was worth splurging and buying the kit, backing, the whole bit :)
When the packages arrived.... fresh fro Fat Quarter Shop.  Fabrics are from Andover Fabrics.
All cut up, and organized into little baggies.  I honestly think quilting is the only time I am this organized....

All 50 blocks sewn.  Each block is the same pattern, but different combination of fabrics, which is interesting... and kinda confusing to keep straight!
All 50 blocks, with the small pieces of sashing, sewn on, waiting for further sashing and assembly. 
I am now slightly farther than this.. but will post more pictures as I make more progess.
Will also try to update in general, much more regularly!!

Thursday, 1 August 2013

Sample of some Quilts currently in progress...

Muchas Poochas

Stonehenge 2013 BOM
 All the blocks are completed, going to quilt as I go though.... so it's still a work in progress

Bridal quilt
Needs to be quilted and bound
measure 55x55

Wednesday, 10 April 2013


We are rapidly working on getting a working, functional page up and running. 

Thank you for being patient with us. 

However, we are also busy sewing, and getting more suppliers so that we can make everything more affordable for you as well!