Friday, 28 February 2014

Work in Progress Wednesday - the Week Long Edition RESULTS

So due to appointments this week, I had made Work In Progress Wednesday last for the week.
Well, that got kinda messed up, as I spent half the week in the hospital. 
3 doctors think it's kidney stones.  1 doctor says kidney cancer.  Final verdict... well.  Wait till next week, if still in pain they will CT, to determine... but the ultrasound, blood work, etc only showed SOMETHING in the kidney.  Lovely. 
So, now I am home, trying to deal with the pain.  And I can tell you sewing at the machine and ironing is nearly impossible... so it's a bit messed up.

Anyways.  My goals were:

1. Get the curtains shortened for the kids. (4 total)
2. Get the pieces for the next set of placemat traced out for applique.
3. Finish 3 Women of the Bible blocks - and get the tutorials up.
4. Finish Block 2 embroidery for Gingerbread squared
BONUS - Hand quilt rest of left side of Downton Row.

I did the curtains - this morning actually.
I got the placemats traced, and ironed on.  Now to cut out the applique pieces, etc.
Didn't even touch Women of the Bible quilt.
Got the block done for Gingerbread Squared
And didn't touch Downton.
However, I did also manage to read the weeks readings for Women of the Bible....

Will also probably do this next week due to pain and stuff... and the following week is March Break....  then hopefully back to the regular programming ;)

In the mean time, here is a pic of Block 2!

Happy Quilting!!

Monday, 24 February 2014

Work In Progress Wednesday.... WAIT! Not quite!


So this Wednesday I won't be around during the day, as I am at my kids school ALL Day. 

And seeing as I also have a bunch of committment Tuesday and Thursday, I am going to make all week eligable to get my "goals" done - and going to try and add a bit more....

1.  Get the curtains shortened for the kids. (4 total)
2.  Get the pieces for the next set of placemat traced out for applique.
3.  Finish 3 Women of the Bible blocks - and get the tutorials up.
4.  Finish Block 2 embroidery for Gingerbread squared

And, for "extra credit" finish hand quilting the left side of the row on Downton Abbey quilt - that hasn't been worked on this month due to embroidery :(.  So ya, extra points if I get to that too!!

I am counting till Friday night for this - so five days.  Which means 2 days, and 3 evenings to work on this.... lets see.  It is a fair chunk of work to be honest, so I'm hopeful.  But these are my goals.  As Friday night the kids are back.  Sunday I need the next block for Women of the Bible.  Saturday we all meet for the embroidery BOM's... so yep.  Time to go!

Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Work in Progress Wednesday - Results


Yay.  I aimed pretty small, I know.  But I got it done.  And now hopefully I can finish my book this evening... as it's taken me a while to get through it, and I have the next book all picked out.

So here are pictures.

Month one block done.  Tinted, embroidered, everything.  Quite proud of myself.  Took me longer than I planned, but I am happy with the result!

And I completely tinted the next block.... not just started.  But google won't let me upload it....

And yes, I finished this weeks reading on Rebeka.  :)

Now I can stop being productive today.... right?  Haha.  Not likely!

Oh, and my next placemat/tablerunner kit arrived (I'll be making placemats...not a tablerunner like planned).  Anyways, it's Valentines themed... but I will do it anyways, and have them for next year!

Work In Progress Wednesday - Goals

Okay, so today one of the kids is off work.... so may be doing things with her, so may not be as productive as normal.  Plus I'm not 100% well, so I don't really have it in me to sit at the machine or stand and iron - or stand at the cutting board and cut out a quilt.  I would still like to accomplish a few things before hubby gets home sometime after 9pm though.

1.  Finish the first Gingerbread Squared block.  I am about 1/2 way done the last blue, then I have a bit of silver, and done.... so want to get that finished.
2. Read up on Rebekah, which is this weeks Women of the Bible. 
3.  At least start crayoning the 2nd Gingerbread squared block.  I have less than 10 days to get it done, so I'm scrambling a bit (doesn't have to be done, but I want it done.  LOL).

I think these are all doable... and I'm also a little keen on sitting on the couch with a good novel or two.  So we'll see....

Update later on progress - and hopefully a couple pictures!

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Work in Progress Wednesday Recap...

Todays Goals:
1. Iron the binding for the snowman placemats - to make it ready to go.
2. Finish the next two Women of the Bible quilt blocks - Rachel and Leah (with pictures for tutorial).
3. Put the binding on a minimum of 2 placemats, preferably all 4.
4. Cut the rest of the white fabric for blocks for Gingerbread squared.
5. Read up to this week for the Women of the Bible Quilt (this weeks readings, and I think I missed one of last week - read most but not all I believe).

And, if time permits, trace out the next Gingerbread Squared block, so it is at least ready for tinting...

#1 and 3.  Done.  All 4 completely done.  So happy.

2.  Women of the bible blocks.... DONE(and pictures won't upload... but they are on my facebook ;))

3, and BONUS, and 4, 100% done (and you'll have to take my word for it as there are no pictures...

Now trying to get motivation to accomplish SOMETHING till the husband gets home at 10pm... but unlikely... I just spent 2 hours watching TV online... and yeah, motivation GONE!

Work in Progress Wednesday - Goals

Okay, so I haven't been at my machine since last Wednesday - I've been busy hand embroidering.  I'd say I'm about 1/2 way done the first Gingerbread Squared block... which is definate progress, but each block is a lot more than I was thinking....and to think my goal is to have TWO of these blocks done by March 1.  Yikes.

Todays Goals:
1.  Iron the binding for the snowman placemats - to make it ready to go.
2.  Finish the next two Women of the Bible quilt blocks - Rachel and Leah (with pictures for tutorial).
3.  Put the binding on a minimum of 2 placemats, preferably all 4.
4.  Cut the rest of the white fabric for blocks for Gingerbread squared.
5.  Read up to this week for the Women of the Bible Quilt (this weeks readings, and I think I missed one of last week - read most but not all I believe).

And, if time permits, trace out the next Gingerbread Squared block, so it is at least ready for tinting....

Oh the fun.  Lots to do today.  Best get started I think.....

Pictures later if I actually accomplish anything worth taking pictures of!!

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Work In Progress Wednesday SUCCESS!

Okay, so I am definately going to make this a regular thing.

Todays goals were:
1. Finish piecing the spools quilt.
2. Quilt 2 placemats.
3. Embroider 1 block for Hook Line and Sinker.

Well.  I did it.
I also,
Basted the remaining 2 placemats
and quilted the remaining 2 placemats.

They just need binding now - which I have stitched together in strips, but not pressed, folded, or attached in any way.
I quilted them free motion.  First time doing free motion.  And I shake.  A fair bit.  And it comes out in my free motion...,. makes for an interesting effect.  But.  I am still happy with em, and will use them, because I think they are oh. so cute.

Here are some pics:
Month 1 block 1 of Hook Line Sinker (finished yesterday)

Month 1, Block 2, hook line sinker (also finished yesterday) 

Month 1 Block 3, hook Line, Sinker (finished today!!! ONLY one more block to go for this months BOM to be done on THIS quilt!!!)

1st 2 placemats.  Quilted free motion in loops.  Not overly impressed, but glad with my effort.  Will be bound, in black, by machine, later this week.

Placemat 3, and 4, done with just a meander.  More happy.  Will be bound in black, by machine, later this week. 
Tomorrow, maybe I will get the last Hook Line Sinker block done for this month!!  Then on to the Gingerbread block (hoping to get 2 done of them for this month....).  Yippee!

Sickies - and Work In Progress Wednesday!

Well, the flu hit our house, and ran over it like crazy for almost 2 weeks!!

In that time I have gotten VERY little done.

However I have started 2 new quilts.... that counts for something.... right?

So this year, I have 2 Block of the Months going, 2 Block of the weeks going.  And a "table runner of the month", which I have basically turned into "placemats of the month", as in our house we use placemats like crazy, but not so much tablerunners... may keep 1 or two as table runners, as Christmas I am always looking for one.  We'll see.

Anyways, now that everyone seems to be going back to work/school today, I think it's time to get motivated and get working on some of this stuff. 

Number one goal today, finish the spools quilt top.  Goal two would be to quilt at least 1, if not 2 of the placemats I have "almost" done.  As I don't think my head can yet handle the basting spray to spray baste the other 2 placemats.   Goal three would be to embroider another Hook Line and Sinker quilt block.    I'll be happy if I only get Goal 1 done, but would be super impressed if I got all three done.... or at least 3 started.... that would put me in great shape for the rest of the week.  Especially as I may keep the little one home from school on Friday!

Here is a picture of the block I hope to get embroidered today - all tinted and ready to go!!

As a side note, hoping to make Work In Progess Wednesday a regular thing here.... to keep everyone updated on various progress and to keep me on track a bit!!