Monday, 28 April 2014

Goals - week of April 28 - May 2

Okay.  Goals for the coming week!

1. Read Deborah
2. Gingerbread Squared - stitch approx. 1/2
3. Downton - quilt left side, start on the right
4. Bind March placemats
5. Bind 1 sibling quilt
6. Sew 3 WOB blocks.

Friday, 25 April 2014

Week of April 21 - 25th Recap


So, this was a pretty successful week - and I still have most of today. :)

1. Read Rahab - Done

2. finish Hook Line and Sinker month 3 - done!

3. Quilt left side of Downton - worked on, not 100% done yet.  but progress

4. Trace and Colour Gingerbread squared Month 4 - have it traced, but not coloured.  But am going to colour it as soon as I am done this post - and should even start stitching today or tomorrow!!

5. Quilt March placemats - Done!

6. Cut two WOB blocks - Done...

7. Sew two WOB blocks - done.  (and tutorials done and posted!).  Did the last one out of order, but it happens!
 (week 14, Jael)
 (week 16. Naomi)
Overall this was a pretty successful week!!!
Happy with it. Here's hoping it continues!

Monday, 21 April 2014

April 21 - 25 goals

This week is my son's birthday among other things, so we have lots going on.  Going to dream big though!

1. Finish embroidering Hook, Line and Sinker month 3
2. Quilt At least left side of Downton - start on the right side of the row.
3. Trace and colour month FOUR of Gingerbread Squared - start stitching
4. Qquilt the most recent placemats!
5. Cut 2 weeks worth of Women of the Bible.
6 Read Rahab for WOB.
7. Sew 2 women of the Bible blocks - and post tutorials.

Saturday, 19 April 2014

Apeil 14 - 18 UPDATE

Okay refresh, what I WANTED to get done:

1. Top half and border embroidered on Hook, Line and Sinker
2. Quilt At least left side of Downton.
3. Trace and colour month FOUR of Gingerbread Squared
4. Baste and quilt the most recent placemats!
5. Cut 2 weeks worth of Women of the Bible.
6 (if I am not ahead of the group) Read Rahab for WOB (I may be ahead though, so this may not need to be done at all....

I did get most of #1 done.  and #2.  I also basted the placemats. And was ahead of WOB, so didn't have to read anything.

However. Tuesday I ended up in the hospital... and needed to be transferred to a different one... and  have been quite un well.  Learned a very important lesson however, don't get dental work done without antibiotics with my heart condition..... very bad :(

On the mend now.  Doing handwork again, so next week should be better!!

Monday, 14 April 2014

Work in Progress - Week April 14th to 18th

Not a large number of goals, but really hoping to get some quilting done on Downton Abbey this week!!

So, here we are:

1. Top half and border embroidered on Hook, Line and Sinker
2. Quilt At least left side of Downton.
3. Trace and colour month FOUR of Gingerbread Squared
4. Baste and quilt the most recent placemats!
5. Cut 2 weeks worth of Women of the Bible.
6 (if I am not ahead of the group) Read Rahab for WOB (I may be ahead though, so this may not need to be done at all....

Saturday, 12 April 2014

April 7-11th goals UPDATE!

Was quite happy with the progress for the week.  The only thing I was disappointed in, was I didn't get any quilting done..... Next week I am going to try to plan less though, so hopefully I get some done!

1. Finish embroidery of Month 3 Gingerbread Squared.
2. Cut out up to week 16 of Women of the bible
I had to cut week 14, 15, 16.  And I did cut three weeks - just not those three.  ;)  I did week 15, 17 and 18 instead....

3. Read Miriam
DONE - though the study group online posted NOTHING about Miriam, so I may be a week ahead now... will find out on Monday.

4. Finish the March Placemat tops
I did this, but didn't take a quality picture....

5. work on Downton Abbey quilting
Yea, Not.

6. Write up the next directions for Women of the Bible.
I did this and posted them, but hard to really post a photo here...

7. Trace and colour Month 3 for Hook Line and Sinker
I got this done, and I even started stitching... but for now, here is a pic of the colouring being done.

Sunday, 6 April 2014

Work In Progress - April 7 - 11 GOALS

Okay.  So NOTHING got done last week except for the reading of Moses Mom.  So this week is going to be basically the same!

1. Finish embroidery of Month 3 Gingerbread Squared.
2. Cut out up to week 16 of Women of the bible
3. Read Miriam
4. Finish the March Placemat tops
5. work on Downton Abbey quilting
6. Write up the next directions for Women of the Bible.
7. Trace and colour Month 3 for Hook Line and Sinker

Focus is on the embroidery!!!!!!!