Friday 7 March 2014

March 3rd - 7th Work in Progress (week) UPDATE

Okay, so it's not even noon yet today (Friday), and I basically have my list done. 

1.  Piece 4 Women of the Bible blocks - done. (with pictures!)
Week 8, Tamar

Week 9 Potiphar's Wife

Week 10 - Moses' Mom

Week 12 - Rahab.
Yes, I realize I skipped Week 11, Miriam, but I am going to do it next week.  I only skipped ahead to 12, because it was one I cut out, and the pieces were many different sizes - but similar, so I didn't want to bag them and mix them up.  So I actually pieced it first.  In the grand scheme of things, I ahead again, so it doesn't really matter... but next week my "goals" include piecing two more blocks... and week 11 is one of those!
I also managed to get all the tutorials made and posted.  So successful week for this quilt!
2.  Trace and colour Month 3 of Gingerbread Squared.  Done

Yes, the picture is sideways, but that's okay.  I don't like them much at this stage, much prefer them when they are all done. 
I used Prismacolour pens (in 005 size) for this, and don't like it.  I love the pens, and easier for me to find than using only Micron Pigma, but I didn't like the size.  I got some of the 01 for next block, and will try them then....  But I do like the other pens - and they come in lighter colours which is good for me.  :)
3.  Cut out 2 weeks WOB.  I actually cut out three weeks, because it just made sense in my (lack of) organization I am using for this quilt.
4. Work on handquilting.  Um nope.  Blame it on my current kidney stones, and that chair being way to uncomfortable for them.
5. Work on embroider of fish quilt (Month 2).  yes.  Got a fair bit of it done.  Will post pictures when it is all done.  Changed a couple of the colours... but I think it looks good.  And the way it was patterned to my colour blindness looked REALLY bad... and apparently my method looks good to colour seeing people too - so Win win!
6.  4 Placemats applique cut out and bordes applique pieces done.  YES. DONE.  Well, didn't cut out the hearts for the center, but that's because wasn't ironing them yet anyways. HAHA.
7.  Read Leah's week in Women of the Bible.  Done.  And you'll just have to take my word for it!
So I still have the weekend to get more done (embroidery!!!), and then on to next week.  Which will be interesting with the little one home.  :)

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